Making a release * Preparation Assuming we are making a release from the latest revision in the trunk. * Edit the neeo/src/changes/changes.xml file to add a list of bug fixes and new features for this release * Check file neeo/src/site/apt/roadmap.apt and make changes if necessary * Make sure all necessary features and bugfixes for the release are available in the Subversion repository * Make sure that in neeo-website/pom.xml and neeo-services/pom.xml, the finalName setting contains the right version: +----- ${artifactId}-1.2.3 +----- Always use three levels, so for public release 1.4 use 1.4.0. * Make sure that on the pc where the release is prepared, all pending changes are committed to trunk * Make sure that on the pc where the release is prepared, the system is updated to the latest revision of the trunk * Make sure no committer will do a commit from now on until the release is ready * Make sure that the current status of neeo-core is installed in the local repository * Build everything on the development machine * Check the test-script; add tests for new features if necessary * Perform the test-script to verify everything works as expected on the development machine * Commit latest changes to Subversion repository if necessary * Install release on test-machine * Tag the current status: --- $ svn copy -m "Tagging release 1.2.3" \ \ --- Replace '1.2.3' with the real release number. Always use three levels, so for public release 1.4 use 1.4.0. * Just before install * Use the properties files in src/main/resources/shared/neeo_properties as default * Set the version number in the file for a system * Validate and change the following property files: * --- = 1200000 = /var/lib/neeo/partners neeo.sru.server = http\://\:8080/sru --- * ----- neeo.ssl-cert = C:/Program Files/Java/jre1.5.0_16/lib/security/jssecacerts ----- * ----- = http\:// ----- * ----- neeo.mail.mailToPartners = true ----- * Build neeo-website for production: ----- $ cd neeo/neeo-website $ mvn package -P prod ----- This generates a neeo-website-1.2.3.war file in subdirectory target/. * Build neeo-services for production: ----- $ cd neeo/neeo-services ----- This generates a neeo-services-1.2.3.war file in subdirectory target/. * Install .war files on test machine. Make sure that the <<>> setting points to the services url under test. * Repeat the test script for this release on the test-machine. * Send an e-mail message to Richard, Eric, Benoit, Thomas, Sjoerd and Fred, announcing the test-version Subject: xxx Text of message: xxx