Issue Tracking * J-Trac NEEO uses J-Trac for issue tracking. In this software package we keep track of issues (things we must solve) and tasks (things we must build). J-Trac is highly configurable. The description of statuses, fields, roles et cetera is the configuration we've choosen for NEEO. * Statuses New issues and tasks undergo a series of statuses, from Open, where every issue or task starts, via some other statuses to Closed. Every status change is logged. For most status changes some fields can or must be filled or changed. For each issue, task or suggestion, the current status is shown and its history can be viewed. For issues we have the following statuses: Open, Accepted, Testing and Closed. A new issue must first be confirmed by a tester before a developer starts fixing it. When the developer thinks the issue is fixed, a tester can verify this and close it or move it to Accepted. For tasks, the developer builds something and thinks it is ready. He sets the status to testing. The tester verifies it's okay and if it is, the status is set to closed. There are some bypasses and the status can move from closed to open. * Roles The right to change the status of an issue or task is limited to certain roles. We have the following roles for NEEO: User, Developer, Tester, Manager and Admin. Any user can have more than one role. * Graph The following (slightly simplified) graph shows the statuses and which roles can change them. [tracking_statuses.png] Statuses