# $Id$ # $URL$ # Algemende documentatie over configfiles: http://docs.python.org/library/configparser.html [main] xsltDir = /home/place/uvt-dev/trunk/sources/eo-updater/xslt [partnersinfo] # baseURL for partner information baseURL = http://localhost:8181/neeo-website/configuration [archive] docroot = /srv/www/place/repec/ id = ner name = Economists Online Archive email = wilko.haast@uvt.nl url = http://archives.uvt.nl/%(id)s # reader = sru server that supplies the metadata [reader] baseURL = http://localhost:18080/sru # maximum number of records per file maximumRecords = 99999 # writer = corresponding sruupdate server of reader [writer] port = 27074 [series] carlos:uc3m-es cergez:cerge-cuni-cz columb:columbia-university-us dauphi:dauphine-fr euiflo:eui-eu ifwkie:ifw-kiel-de leuven:kuleuven-be louvai:uclouvain-be lselon:lse-ac-uk maastr:unimaas-nl sciepo:www-sciences-po-fr tilbur:tilburguniversity-nl ucddub:ucd-ie toulou:univ-tlse1-fr ucllon:ucl-ac-uk warwic:Warwick-uk [excludeSet] ifwkie:hdl_10419_29 hdl_10419_39867 hdl_10419_39868 hdl_10419_39869