NameVirtualHost *:80 NameVirtualHost *:443 NameVirtualHost # Apache should be configured to listen to above ports (/etc/apache2/ports.conf) # Configuration for meresco-harvester # # Directory will contain all data files for the harvester like: # - domains # - repositoryGroups # - repositories # - target # - mapping # SetHandler mod_python PythonHandler merescoharvester.controlpanel.merescoharvesterhandler # For debugging you can use the following Options, see #PythonAutoReload On #PythonDebug On #PythonEnablePdb On # # localhostUrl option needed for slowfoot to correctly # do things like include('/template') etc. # localhostUrl will default to 'http://localhost', # #PythonOption localhostUrl "http://localhost:9080" # # secureurl tells the login link to use the correct secure link. # PythonOption secureurl "https://" # # usersfile will contain all usernames and md5hashed passwords. # PythonOption usersfile "/var/lib/python-meresco-harvester/users.txt" # # the stateDir will contain the current state for harvested # PythonOption stateDir "/var/lib/python-meresco-harvester/state" # # logDir will contain logging information which may be rotated # PythonOption logDir "/var/log/python-meresco-harvester" Order Allow,Deny Allow from All ServerName DocumentRoot /var/lib/python-meresco-harvester/data ServerName ServerAlias *. RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} !^443$ RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ https:///$1 [L,R] SSLEngine on SSLCertificateFile //server.crt SSLCertificateKeyFile //server.pem ServerName DocumentRoot /var/lib/python-meresco-harvester/data CustomLog /var/log/apache2/ combined ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/