Harvester Status.

<% theUrl = url('/getStatus?domainId=%s&repositoryGroupId=%s&repositoryId=%s' %(args.domainId, args.repositoryGroupId, args.repositoryId)) statuses = asxml(theUrl).saharaget.GetStatus.status %> <% for status in statuses: total = 0 total += int(str(status.total) or '0') errorsnr = int(str(status.totalerrors)) style = errorsnr and 'style="font-weight:bold"' or '' %> <% if errorsnr: %> <% else: %> <% # %> <% # %>
RepositoryGroup Repository Last successful harvest Total records Harvested
><% escape_xml(status.repositoryGroupId) %> ><% escape_html(status.repositoryId) %> ><% escape_html(status.lastHarvestDate) %> <% escape_html(status.total) %> <% escape_html(status.harvested) %>/<% escape_html(status.uploaded) %>/<% escape_html(status.deleted) %> <% escape_html(status.totalerrors) %>Errors 

Harvester Errors.

<% for status in statuses: repositoryId = status.repositoryId errorsnr = int(str(status.totalerrors)) if errorsnr: # %> <% if hasattr(status.recenterrors, 'error'): for error in status.recenterrors.error: # %> <% # %>
<%= repositoryId %> Last successful harvest <%= status.lastHarvestDate %>
  Nr. of errors since: <%= errorsnr %>
  <%= error.date %> <% escape_html(error.split('|')[-1]) %>