.. sectnum:: :prefix: 3. :start: 1 .. footer:: \- ###Page### - ========================== 3. Technical Documentation ========================== :Authors: Fred Vos, Sjoerd Schunselaar :Date: 2010-03-30 Partner directory +++++++++++++++++ Configuration ------------- The location of the partner directories, where configuration files can be found is determined by property ``neeo.partners.directory``. All NEEO programs try to read properties found in file ``neeo.properties`` that must be located in the classpath to be found. Sample setting in ``neeo.properties``:\ ``neeo.partners.directory = /var/lib/neeo/partners``. List ---- In the ``neeo.partners.directory`` there's a directory for every created partner. The name of the directory is the NEEO id of the partner, like ``uvt`` for Tilburg University. Setup (using ``uvt`` as a sample) --------------------------------- * tilburguniversity-nl - ``partner.properties`` File containing partner properties. It's a list of key/value pairs. - ``configuration.xml`` This is the last valid configuration document, fetched from the partner site. - ``logo_en.jpg`` The logo of the partner, downloaded from the location, given in the configuration document. - ``logo_thumbnail_en.jpg`` The logo of the partner, resized for optimal integration in the style of neeo - ``scholars`` A folder where all pictures of scholars are stored, including thumbnails File ``partner.properties`` --------------------------- File ``partner.properties`` in the partner directory contains a list of properties. Both system administrators and programs can alter the contents of this file. **neeo.partner.configuration-url** URL of the configuration document. Example setting (with fake URL): ``neeo.partner.configuration = http\://neeo.tilburguniversity.nl/configuration.xml`` **neeo.partner.status** A partner can have the following statusses: -``new`` Created, but no valid ``configuration.xml`` file fetched yet. -``valid`` Valid ``configuration.xml`` file present. -``active`` Activated in Meresco and visible in the website. -``inactive`` Not visible in the website. -``deleted`` Deleted. Sample setting: ``neeo.partner.status = valid`` **neeo.partner.test-days (Optional)** Period in days, where each of the repositories of the partner must return records. The default system period is 28 days. This means the repositories test checks if the repository has new of modified records during the last 28 days. You can override the period by setting this value to another integer value, for instance 56 days for partners with small repositories. Sample setting: ``neeo.partner.test-days = 56`` **neeo.partner.organisation.id** The id of the organization used in the configuration.xml **neeo.partner.refresh-clear** When set to ``true`` the harvester must refresh or clear the existing records for that particular partner. A refresh (delete everything and perform a full update) is done if the partner is visible in the portal. All records for a partner are deleted with this flag set to ``true`` and the partner not visible in the portal. Automatic backup ---------------- When a new configuration file is found by the Neeo application the old configuration moves to a file with the format: configuration_YearMonthDay_HourMinuteSecond. After that the old configuration file is overwritten by the new one.